TPD Claims in Australia

Total Permanent Disability / TPD Claims in Australia – provide you with a lump sum payment from Insurance in your Superannuation Fund if you have suffered from an accident or illness and cannot return to your usual work.

With help from The TPD Lawyers, you can make sure you get your full entitlement from your insurance on your TPD claims wherever you are in Australia.

We offer a 100% “NO WIN, NO FEE” claims process promise.

Are you facing financial challenges due to being unable to work? Don’t tackle these hurdles alone. Turn to the experts at The TPD Lawyers who specialise in helping Australians forced out of work due to injury or illness to navigate the complexities of accessing funds through their superannuation. Fighting for your financial security one claim at a time. “No win no fee”, as it should be

Our team collectively boasts over 20 years experience in successfully accessing lump sum payments for clients all around Australia through TPD Claims.

We assist our clients remotely, via phone, Facetime, WhatsApp or email, so the process is simple and convenient. This means that we can help you anywhere in Australia and you don’t have to make a special trip to claim your entitlement.

We review your situation for FREE, then if your claim proceeds, our fees and outlays are only payable/charged if you receive your claim money.


Simply call or email our office for your FREE review.

Have you had an accident and cannot return to work?

Have a quick free chat to see if your super policy included TPD insurance. Our team will help you claim everything you are entitled to.

Have you suffered an illness and cannot return to work?

TPD insurance covers both illness and injuries that force you to stop working. Book a quick free chat with our team who will help identify everything you are entitled to.

I want to thank Tamara so much for the efforts you went to, what you have achieved for me is life changing


“I did not think I would be entitled to a lump sum payment from my superfund, so I almost did not proceed at all.

The TPD Lawyers (at Law Essentials) however helped me through the process and the funds I have now received are a real life changer for me.

Thank you so much for helping me”

Tyson Doherty

Hervey Bay QLD

How do i begin to describe a soul that is as beautiful as ANDREA STEVENSON🌟She is nothing short of amazing! after going through some major heath set backs I found myself lost and scared for the future at only 41 i had been pulled out of the life i knew and left not knowing where to turn next I spoke with Andrea and expressed that i really wasn’t sure if i wanted to try and fight for something that i never thought in a million years I’d need, Andrea listened she showed genuine empathy and all the while maintaining a high level of professionalism with a warm touch she gave me the confidence to move forward because she was confident and only then did I feel strong enough to ask for help. Help is not always an easy thing to find when you need it most and Andrea came through she rolled up her sleeves so to speak and took that weight from me. The words THANK YOU will never be enough but I hope she knows that in my darkest hour she was my beacon of light 🌄 

Brydie Sheppard

Hi Chris, I would like to thank you for first of all having Andrea Lewis on your team. She was the drive behind my TPD and TFD Claims and I can honestly say I am very happy with how she conducted my case. She was always understanding and very empathetic with the living situation I was in. Her communication was outstanding I really felt I was right there along side her throughout the process.  Me and my family are so grateful for the efforts and tireless hours Andrea undertook on our behalf and we hugely appreciate this we only hope and pray that she will in return be reimbursed those many hours for us with prosperity and many blessings. We wish her well on her new married life, hopefully soak up some sun on her well deserved honeymoon and come back to you firing ready to help more peoples lives like she did us. Also wishing your business continued success and more.

Esera & Family

Partnership with Super Claims Assist

In enhancing our commitment to aid Australians, The TPD Lawyers have partnered with Super Claims Assist. This strategic partnership helps us both reach our shared goal of extending support to as many Australians as possible. We work with Super Claims Assist to ensure that no deserving Aussie’s are denied the insurance benefits they are rightfully due.

Learn more about this how this partnership helps our clients